Dramatic Decrease in Crime Since Inception of NSI in the CWE

Since 2008, crime has drastically decreased by nearly 50% in the 5 Special Business Districts (SBD’s) located in the Central West End (CWE).  Who can take credit for the decrease in crime?  It may be due to a multitude of factors, however there is one consistency since 2008 and that is the  CWE Neighborhood Security Initiative (NSI).   The CWE Association, the 5 SBD’S, and WUMCRC came together in 2008 to form a collaborative group called the CWE NSI.  The primary function for the NSI is to coordinate and oversee the safety and security efforts of these 5 SBD’s.

Official end of the year crime stats for the CWE and NSI boundary areas
Official year to year comparison crime stats for the CWE and NSI boundary areas

Stay tuned for our next blog where we will introduce the NSI staff and talk about what’s coming up this year for the NSI.


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